Each week, under cover of adults greeting each other, welcoming each other, singing, or passing the peace of Christ, there’s a rumbling sound of dozens (and dozens) of little feet, leaving the sanctuary.   They are our Pre-K through 2nd graders, and every week, during the sermon, they are invited to attend “Small Saints”.  While there, they sing, learn from the Bible, and have some sort of active application that is tailored to their age level and understanding.

We’ve recently introduced  “Second Sundays”.  What’s that, you say?  On the second Sunday of each month, older elementary children (grades 3-5) are invited to leave worship and attend class, where our pastors will be teaching about elements of the liturgy.   Last week, Greg Grooms (AM) and Josh Keller (PM) taught our children about communion.  We talked about remembering what is true, and about it continuing to be true even when we can’t see it.  When we eat the bread and the wine each week, we do it “in remembrance” of Jesus.  Yet he says he is really, truly present, as well.  We played a fun “Remembering Game” to emphasize the truth that we remember better when we are thoughtful, and when we do something regularly.

While your older elementary children are warmly welcomed and encouraged to stay in the sanctuary to participate through the sermon, they are equally warmly welcomed and encouraged to join us once a month for Second Sundays, where they can learn a bit more about the whys and whats behind the things we do each week.  Our hope is that, just as is true for adults, understanding what’s happening will encourage our children’s participation, one little bit at a time.




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